Get involved
The success of our campaign depends on you.
If everyone who agreed with us got involved with the campaign – even in a small way – we'd be well on the way to achieving our goal.
You don't need lots of time or money to make a difference. Here's what we ask you to do.
1. Sign up to our mailing list so we can keep you up-to-date and let you know when we need your help. We use campaign tools like social media and on-line petitions to spread our message, so keeping an eye out for emails from us will make sure you’re fully informed.
2. Sign up to our charter declaring your support for Scottish independence from outside her borders.
3. Get involved with a local campaign network. We are in the process of establishing these across the UK, so if you have a bit of spare time and would like to set one up we’d love to hear from you.
4. Write to your MP and let them know your views on independence for Scotland. If they don’t support it, ask them to explain why. If they do, encourage them to do all they can to help.
5. Keep an eye out for stories in your local and national press when anti-Scottish sentiment is expressed and write a letter to the editor to let them know how you feel, making sure that you present the positive case for independence at every opportunity.

6. Join a pro-independence political party. Joining a Scottish party even if you live outside Scotland is still possible. The SNP, the Scottish Greens, Solidarity and the SSP are amongst those that would welcome your support. You can also support party campaigns through phone canvassing and by making donations no matter where in the world you happen to be!
7. Campaign for matters that are important to the people of Scotland such as the scrapping of trident or retaining membership of the EU.
8. Talk to your friends, relatives and work colleagues about the continuing case for Scottish independence. Engage in respectful debate, making sure to scotch any myths that emerge.
9. Spread the word about Scots Away and encourage those that support Scottish independence to join us, sign the charter and help create a movement!