What we do
Scots Away works to build public support for Scottish independence from outside her borders. Most of our work is based in the rest of the UK, but we also campaign internationally.
Our activists and supporters are often ex-patriate Scots, of Scottish descent or have an affinity for Scotland, but we also have supporters who do not identify as such but believe in what an independent Scotland could become.
While we recognise that our supporter base is unlikely to be able to participate in future votes on independence, we believe we can have a role to play in paving the way for a future referendum by helping to establish support for this in other parts of the UK and abroad.
Much of what we do is focused at the media and aims to present the positive case for further devolution for Scotland leading to independence.
Our work seeks to counter the Unionist narrative that Scotland is “too wee, too poor, too stupid” to look after its own affairs.

Although we are not affiliated to any political party, we work alongside MPs and party activists across the UK who believe that Scotland could prosper as an independent nation.
We contribute to relevant parliamentary consultations and support policies that would benefit the people of Scotland.
We do all this and more from outside Scotland because we care about how Scotland will be treated as long as it remains part of the United Kindom.